Thursday, March 5, 2009

Steering Gear Swap, 12v wiring

This is the summary of work up to 1/16/09. I purchased a manual steering gear from an auto salvage place to replace the power steering gear. From research, I did not want to have to deal with making the power steering function, either by installing pulleys and belts using the tail shaft on the motor or installing a 12v pump. So, bingo, out comes the power steering gear. It was a relatively easy swap out. I had to buy a fork to separate the ball joint where the pitman arm connects. Other than that, just 3 bolts holding it in place. After the change out, my steering wheel was not exactly centered when the wheels were straight, hopefully an alignment will cure this. I also purchased a new 12v battery and a 60A fusible link. This I spliced into the trucks 12v system. There were also some grounds that were connected to the engine that I grounded to the frame. I then mounted the truck's computer to the wheel well using some brackets. It was on top of the coolant bottle which is gone now. Things are starting to take form....onward to the motor!

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